Category: Paintings

Oil and Acrylic Paintings

16 x 20 Self Portrait

16 x 20 Acrylic Painting on Canvas for Art241

This assignment was to create a self portrait mimicking another artist work. For my portrait I chose to mimic the UK based artist Hashim Akib who does a lot of portrait work using color blocking techniques. To try and imitate this style, I attempted to blend as little as possible and to focus on simply laying individual colors on the canvas. This was the first time I have ever intensely studies and artist’s work and attempted to imitate it, and for my first try I feel like I performed well. The biggest difficulty for me was remembering not to blend the colors and to place the colors on the canvas.

4 Small Still Life

Acrylic paint on canvas still lifes for Art 241

These still lives were mean to help me get warmed up to painting again after not doing it for a while. They were a great way for me to get used to the flow of mixing colors, practicing composition and using different brush strokes. Composition is one of the most difficult things for me when it comes to painting, however I can see some improvement.

Still Life 16 x 20

Acrylic paint still life for Art 241 by Ein Burks 3/3/21

This was our first larger still life painting for my Art 241 class. I really enjoyed the process of doing this painting. I made sure to stay loose and to not get too caught up with tiny details. The most difficult part was creating the right colors for the objects and composition. The striped sheet in the background was particularly difficult due to its complex shapes.

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